The objects presented here are sample 3D L-system objects generated via a PC program called LPARSER. It is included here to allow the user to experiment and create their own original works of art. This is a list of the object files which were originally created in DXF format by the LPARSER program and re-formated to Lightwave 3D object format by the DXF2LW program. These samples were created from the original .LS files which are L-system commands to the LPARSER program to create an object via the following coammands in a batch file: del output.* del %1.dxf lparser -s2000 -3 %1 rename output.dxf %1.dxf dxf2lw %1.dxf For further information on the operation of the DXF2LW program see the README.txt file or for inforamtion on the operation of the LPARSER program see the LPARSER.TXT file which accompanies the LPARSER program. (LS files) Objects based on 'The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants' (ABOP) : ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ bop00.obj cordate leave ABOP pag 123 bop01.obj plant ABOP pag 27 bop02.obj bush ABOP pag 26 bop03.obj form in 2d ABOP pag 25 bop04.obj block form ABOP pag 20 bop05.obj fractal ABOP pag 9 bop06.obj dragon curves ABOP pag 9 bop07.obj compound leave ABOP pag 130 bop08.obj compound leave in 3d ABOP pag 129 bop09.obj maple like leave ABOP pag 129 bop10.obj nested polygon leaves ABOP pag 127 tree00.obj monopodial tree ABOP page 56 tree01.obj monopodial tree ABOP page 56 tree02.obj ternary tree ABOP page 60 Free form experiments and other fractals : ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ lsys00.obj lobster form lsys01.obj " var 1 lsys02.obj " var 2 lsys03.obj " var 3 lsys04.obj " var 4 lsys05.obj spiral bush lsys06.obj tree base lsys07.obj half circle lsys08.obj " var 1 lsys09.obj cello plant lsys10.obj circle form spiral00.obj overview of spiral types spiral01.obj spiral form spiral02.obj spiral tree spiral03.obj large spiral plant var 1 spiral04.obj large spiral plant var 2 tree03.obj willow type tree tree04.obj conifer type tree tree05.obj 'best' tree tree06.obj conifer type tree tree07.obj tropism experiment tree08.obj 'palm' tree based on bop07.objstructure tree09.obj 'Trail off trees' showing the different growth stages tree10.obj leavy ternary tree type tree11.obj elaboration on tree08 street1.obj a series of trees flower.obj cordate leave arangement fern.obj fern plant leaves.obj variation on fract*.obj L-systems from FractInt shell*.obj shell type forms based on spirals and airhorse.obj part seahorse but with external lung dinofly.obj what would this be without a dino ? spider.obj octo-spider Ls-files by Cees van der Mark ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ passie.obj a passion flower plant leaf01.obj variation on plant01.obj two plants winding around a stalk hangpl.obj crystal with leaves After loading an object into LW, you may want to make a few adjustments. Double sided is turned on by default and you may want to turn that off. If you do make sure all the polygons are aligned (or flipped) in the proper direction. Also the colors (surfaces) may need to be changed, especially for the plants, trees, etc. The default color scheme is carried over by my conversion program from the DXF object. (For plants, trees, leaves, it works best to change the yellow to brown and all other colors which are in use to a shade of green (except for certain "flower" objects which do need colors other than green). This might save you the time of rendering to see what colors are attached to what polygons.) The LW manual (in the Appendix) for TIO conversion of DXF to LW format lists those colors. (TIO will convert the LPARSER DXF object but you might like the DXF2LW conversion program better to save some time. The TIO defaults are a bit different than the defaults that the DXF2LW program uses.) The DXF2LW program changes the axis on which the object is aligned. It flips the Y and Z point coordinates so the object will be oriented along the Y axis instead of the Z axis. Anyhow, the source is included and if you have a C compiler, perhaps you can improve on the code or just change the defaults to what suits you. Have fun! Earl Terwilliger December 1994